"I gained various clues to the answers for the issues and questions which I had found very difficult to answer myself. The biggest advantage of taking You-Ri's workshop was not only doing the exercises but also being taught how to maintain ourselves as a human being, as a living body in order to continue this particular work, acting. After the workshop, not only my creativity but also my daily life has become enriched."

Professional actress






“I ask myself, what can I do as an actor? I felt the need to explore and discover and then I did a workshop with You-Ri. The description, ‘buried voice’ arose which intrigued me – is such a voice possible? Do I have one? The work was nothing like a singing lesson. I discovered relaxation and an extraordinary freeing of body and voice that was far beyond my expectation .......... I want another workshop with You-Ri !”

Professional actress

「自分には何が出来るのか、自分のなかに持っているもの、持っていないもの、今まで俳優をやって来て、一度立ち止まって自分を見つめたくなった時、ユウリさんのワークショップに出会いました。埋れた声を…。埋れた声ってなんだろう?私が知らない私の声ってあるのか?ないのか?参加してみて、歌を習っている時の発声のイメージとは違うのですが、体の力が抜けて楽〜に自由に 声が出て来る気持ち良さを感じ、想像以上の気付きを身体で心で頭で感じることが出来ました。.......... また日本に来られる時は、是非参加したいと思っています。」


“I felt safe, relieved the moment I was given the freedom to follow my sensations. Gradually I could follow my physical sensations. This gave me new building blocks and the confidence to discover. I explored the word first to enable me to move on to the sentence. It was a joy to find new ways to take my work forward.”

Professional actor




“It was a very rich five days. You-Ri taught us the core of acting training thoroughly and I felt my actor’s body became refreshed and fed. I began to understand the connection and channel between my thoughts and body. “

Professional actor




“The experience was very affluent, fun and I learned a lot. It was a great workshop. The idea of ‘simplicity’ was mentioned many times and the workshop  itself was simple, there as no wasting time and everything was  so substantial.

Prodessional actress




“Before taking this class ‘English Presentation Skills through Acting Training – Body and Expression”, I was not good at making public speech and did not have confidence in it. I was afraid of making mistakes. However, in this class, You-Ri accepted our mistakes and with this experience, I felt I could improve further without worrying making mistakes.

I feel I have grown through this eight days’ class. I am still nervous when I make public speech but when I become nervous, I will remember what you have taught us, You-Ri, and your face and smile. Thank you very much!”

Male university student


「このクラス「演技訓練法によるイングリッシュ・プレゼンテーション・スキル --- 身体と表現」を取る前は、僕はパブリックスピーチがとても苦手でした。自信もありませんでした。間違えるのが怖かったんです。でも、このクラスでは結莉さんが間違いを受け入れてくれて、そのおかげで間違いを怖がらずにスピーチのスキルを伸ばすことができました。



“I learned a lot and want to learn more. When I watched everybody’s scene study, I felt they had changed and improved their communication skills and I bet so did I. Body language is important that is what people say. However, nobody taught me as much about it as you did. You taught us how to use our five senses to communicate. I will definitely miss this class. I was able to understand how I should express myself. Every good speech, presentation and all pieces of theatre are made after learning and practicing.  Everyone should have a teacher like You-Ri. This should be a compulsory subject at all universities in Japan.”

Female university student



“We put on a court play. It was performed by professional lawyers and members of the general public. We had never had any experience in acting. We were all amateurs. We had only two weeks to rehearse and were quite anxious as there was not much time. You-Ri asked us “What is the ‘super - objective’ of the play? ” “What is your character’s ‘super - objective’ ? ”. She was very calm. I cannot explain in words how wonderful her approach to training was! After a mere two weeks’ of rehearsals, we amateurs transformed into a theatre group and the play was a great success. Thank you very much, You-Ri ! ”

Male lawyer


「わずか2週間の指導で、裁判劇は大成功!! -  ………… 弁護士会が市民参加型の裁判劇を上演した。演技するのは我々弁護士と一般市民。もちろん、演劇の経験は皆無の素人集団だ。縁あって、本番の2週間前から結莉先生にご指導頂いた。稽古時間が限られており焦る私達に、結莉先生は「物語の超目的は何ですか?」「登場人物の超目的は何ですか?」とゆっくり問いかけた。その指導方法の素晴らしさ(!)は、とても言葉で言い表すことができない。わずか2週間の指導で、我々素人集団は劇団へと変貌し、裁判劇は大成功に終わった。結莉先生、本当に有難うございました ! 」


“You-Ri taught us acting for the ‘Citizen Judge Court Play’ we staged and I acted in it.

I only performed ‘Hansel’ at the kindergarten show and never had acting experience. At the beginning, I was shy and not really into the play. But the rehearsals were so much fun and I became completely absorbed in before I knew it. I thoroughly enjoyed the actual performance as well.

Unlike the Criminal Court where we lawyers deal with professional judges, at an open Citizen Judge Court, we need the citizen judges to understand our claim.

It is very important to convey the claim and make them understood.

We learned ‘by doing’ rather than ‘by thinking’ this technique ‘to convey’ and ‘to be understood’ in You-Ri’s programme.

It seems such programme for the lawyers through acting training is common but I have never heard of this in Japan.

I believe something like You-Ri’s programme will prevail well among the lawyers in Japan.”

Male lawyer










“Everything in You-Ri’s workshop was new to me. I had a wonderful time and through the voice and body work, I discovered new sides of myself in the calmness. I felt that we escaped our everyday labels and social status and explored beyond the ego. We became individuals existing in the moment and we created time and space together. You-Ri’s workshop is the best if you really want to go deep and find yourself.   I will definitely join her workshop again.”

Female artist


